Book-Entry Submission

Hoarding: Advice From a Friend

This hoarding book-entry submission lets you share your tips and snippets with others who are struggling to find a balance with their stuff.  Answer the questions that apply to you and be a guiding light for others. Let them know “you are not alone. We are all in this together.”

NOTE: there is no right or wrong way to participate here. Read the questions until you find one that you want to answer. Answer one, or as many as you like. You can also skip ahead if there is nothing here that speaks to you. We’re just thrilled you are here. 

  • To protect you and your privacy, please don’t upload pictures that include any personal mail or family photos that will identify family members or your address.

Step 1: Choose a TopicHoarding Advice from a Friend Steps 1

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom to find the Open Topic Box
Hoarding Advice from a Friend Steps 2

Step 3: Type Your Advice or Tips Hoarding Advice from a Friend Steps 3

Step 4: Submit Your Book EntrySubmit Button

Step 5: Join the Hoarding World FB GroupHoarding Advice from a Friend Steps 5C

 Step 6: Wait for the Book to Be Published
Hoarding Advice from a Friend Steps 5B

Step 7: Receive Your Free eBook Hoarding: Advice From a Friend

Hoarding Advice from a Friend Steps 7